Sunday, April 1, 2012

A book ahead of its Time

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
It was written even before I had the thought "somebody, write it !!! "

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
man's resume. (in case some giggling cos really offer me a 200k job in the giggleplex (do notice subtle manipulations and probably a lie or two in there somewhere .. ) Nikhil Kshirsagar *Address:* 1206 B/12, *Phone: *91-7709176868 Shivajinagar, Pune 411004, *Email: *** ... more »

about me

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

A b ook

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
[image: Starred]Faizaan Marolia to me show details Oct 4 The Man Who Could Be Confident from ? ** by nikhil The Man Who Could Be Confident - the bland version. To write in a manner of words written so which will keep you interested forever would require an infinity built in. The search for that infinity - the search for the perpetual motion machine? Doesnt seem like an analogy that appears right. While it is true sooner or later, the most interesting things begin to lose charm and spiral into a boredom that could never be imagined upon a time (lets not be naive and say once), there is ... more »


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

hellos. *griwn* fuzzy here

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
http://helloshelloshellos.url contains ille- gal characters .ensive must warn. very offensive. in fact, i might even be watching <-- best not to wonder further, might as well be a believe, there is a god. His name doesnt matter. But, somewhere, sometime, somehow, everybody , gets watched real good. At least, once ... -N <--- point !


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
Bob's friend. :@ Better treat me right, 'mama ! :D

soemtime just now

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
sometime just now, bob dylan sent me a friend request. Immediately I snapped the moment and framed it in 10 thousand frames, each frame held the inner one. THe photograph of this entire thing, I snapped and snapped, and snapped, and snapped and snapped, and snapped and snapped and snapped, and snapped and snap


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

dedicated to the 1 who taught one to hold a guitar

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
Test cricket is alive and well and lets not forget to thank India and Australia. These two teams, no matter what the rankings say, or where they play, have developed an extraordinary competitive chemistry that takes the highest form of the game to the highest plane (repeatedly).. Uncannily, when the shadow of corruption loomed darkly over the game, it seems to fall on these sides to bring light (to the story ... ) once again. In 2008 they delivered one of the greatest Test series of all, after cricket's foundations had been jolted by the match-fixing scandal brought about by the sca... more »

hello clone

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

a woman exploited

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

the identity thief

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

on what a blog is

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
This image is taken from


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
If I type characters, only in musical notation, Like diminished or suspended, Would I then create, a live text music ? Or just a note to self ? <-- liveblog 3.0 if ever required ....


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

Live blogging (contd)

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
Live blogs shall have a fixed lifetime for blog entries, and I'd like to imagine a rain button that readers might send the blogs way, nourishing it, ensuring a longer life ? If there are less than a quorum of readers over a fixed period of time, the entry shall wither and die its own natural death, for sheer lack of observers, much like everything else one might see ? -N

Florentine dreams

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

live tickers

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
Newflash: BMC stock price reaches 42.. *Live tickers use live tweeting technologies.* This is a piece of fiction and the author realizes that some coincidences are merely coincidental .. !


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

logo ?

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

blink in rhythm

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
blink in rhythm, I write myself out, if all observers, blink in rhythm. That way, I can always claim, it all happened, when your eyes were shut. And I'm alive for a while, and then I sleep again, (between blinks? ) -Its interesting to see a live blog in action, because the typist can always coordinate letters with the frequency of an assumed audiences blinks, and write out things using backspaces, that were only possible, in his .. what ? ! ? dreams ? Live blogs are the way to go, for anyone who wants to write live poetry, live text propoganda, live text speeches, live political ral... more »


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

The logic of it all

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
.. wait.... WHAT? *** ***


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

went live. Stay tuned ...

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
Live demo on the 12th... I'm re-writing what I've done. For the 20th time in two days. It should have been straightforward. but exaggerating the importance of my career - when I haven't had many jobs or worked for a long period of time - is tough. I wonder if anyone'll bother to read through what I've spent hours editing. And whether I should change the format. I've never spent this much time over anything I've written before. My friends think it's ok. Or maybe they're just bored of me asking them all the time whether it's ok. I wonder if they know that when they said, "we'd hire you"... more »

Might as well

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

ideablog 1.0

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
whats an idea <- ?

fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


fuzzylogicbaba at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

Copyrights, etc

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

titled untitled

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

(((( ))))

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
Thanks go out to the melw ... Thank you to harmonica flw, ( the great god lingers in the company...) Thank you to the awake .., Thank you to Nabokov... Thank you to blog, Thank you to office guy who is. Thank you to guy who says be!

dedications, credits, dreams

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
*** The other night I had the most wonderful dream. A wonderful organisation was looking around for intelligent people to employ, and they'd followed a trail of poetic assertions leading them to my very informal handshake. Immediately I knew I was in the presence of great people, and I behaved accordingly. Nobody really wanted me around for too long, so I lingered rudely. But I was employed once again and the world looked very different than it did from the cold window of an sleepy room. Please join us, they said. We will pay you a lot of money in return for the pleasure of your co... more »

a proof of a concept

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
because we type sentences instead of characters, its possible, in fact simple, to leave a window during a chat and come back, and find nothings changed. But if we type characters, instead of sentences, its impossible to take your eyes off. the screen ! Because if you do, you miss significant <- information. Like a backspace. Or a hesitation...


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

live blog one

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

a complex number

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
I'm half-way through this one.., and long before it becomes one, I usually erase the entire thing I used to call a poem. But after a while, one thinks, That like energy, the truth radiates in spurts.. That continuity is a daydream, That all growth is involuntary, That not all coincidences are coincidental.. That like things, people too can die, and, that just like the root of a negative one, one too was an imaginary i .....

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

Todays fortune

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago


sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

shrink to analyse

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago

The logic of it all

sadadosaextrachutney at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 1 year ago
One day I went for an interview. As it often turns out during these things, the whole thing boiled down to one key moment. He asked me a puzzle. I knew the puzzle. I also knew I had not impressed enough for it to be a clear victory. This would count. Lucky me. I needed the job. In better times, I would have said I knew it and perhaps honesty would tip the scales I'd already stacked with intelligence and I'd be home and dry. But this was different. I'd stuttered and stammered my way through the whole thing, and his patience was wearing thin. And so, I decided to fake my way through... more »

the death of a blog. It was a good blog. Characte...

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
the death of a blog. It was a good blog. Characters included wordy mumbles and comments, a chinupintheair who wrote it, spaces, blanks, late nights, subjectives, drink, a girl, a musical instrument, preaches, sudden ends, reactions and a host of late night emissions, electron wet dreams, respites, boasts, brags, some photographs too and an unhappy writers solace.

of long drives and short trips

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
The calluses are back ! The smoking is gone.. glad to be rid of it. I swam this morning. Worked out Pretty Peggy-O with the picking, but it doesnt sound as good as they do it. Very quick chords changes, no time for sitting back and admiring your chord shape .. I managed to offend a whole lot of people by drunken revelry at a party I shouldn't have been at. You know, the whole thing is pretty messed up. Its not even impulsive, its just degraded into downright rowdy (hooliganism is the next step...) behavior with added callousness thrown in for good measure. Everything goes for a tos... more »

the hyperglossary :D

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago

a cure for insomnia

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
the new job starts and a month of layoff, pun intended, is over... I cannot sleep .. you know that moment when you're just about to drift off to sleep, when thought ceases and dream flickers into its nocturnal ephemeral existence.. I reached there a couple of times, and then something casually brushed consciousness and awakened it to its roaring fullest. Reading didn't help. Writing doesnt either.. to the *writer* at least.. The *writer* started the new job full of enthu and a new dawn and the promise of a new day and money and paid emi's and less insecurity (to his manager !! ). Me... more »

yay !

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
yay ! i found a dent on the car ! dentfordprefect

yay !!

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
yay ! i found fifty bucks !

yay !

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
yay !! i found a manager !

yay !!

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
YAY ! i found a job

a lazy manual

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
a lazy manual inculcates all the necessary values required to lead a healthy and productive modern life, without the unnecessary stresses and strains of a healthy and modern exercise. exercise is the enemy. i will write it fear not. we will proceed in heightwise descending order of biological organ, both internal as well as external. hold head in both hands... actually lets start heighwise ascending. actually.. chuck it ! now that i read this.. both heightwise ascending and descending, glancing up and down, checking it out, a verbal equivalent of an interested rant.. and me an impo... more »

every few hours i buy a ticket and ride a train or...

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
every few hours i buy a ticket and ride a train or a bus or walk up an uphill lane. I devour every couple of hours watch nothing write infernal essays 'what i learnt in the last two' and every few days i go to sleep and wake with lungs ablaze. this then is to drift .. a jobless scheme an unproductive silence a comfort realm a mindless smoke a pointless laugh an infinite collateral made distinctly uncomfortable by the pursuit of a sustained economic dream ?

mixed feelings

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
One day I realised that a mixture of petroleums from various different retailers would make my car zoom like nobody's business. Accordingly, I rushed to the nearest petrol pump and asked them to fill her up quarter of the way and then did this to three more pumps, the last of which couldnt get the last few drops in because they fell out !! There was some already in the tank before my conflagarative-confluence experiment and so one of them, I'm not sure who, filled less than a quarter. I paid them all and left, linearly faster each time. The car went fast. I ran faster !!!!!

mandelbrot jet

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
quantum physics says apparently quantum physics says i caused it. it says that i caused qp to say that too. qp being the previous qp. it says it just said that too because i caused it. it says whatever thought i have is caused by the previous one including this one. it says fractals. it asks what happens when i stop causing it. the answer is so pointless no? because it asks whether it exists in the first place !!! i go take a leak and wonder if toilet humor really exists or not.

There's things and then there's things I spent nig...

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
There's things and then there's things I spent night separating one from the other. If I were stuck in a loop of intergalactic proportions sick to the core and lasting hardly dizzy spinning and centrifugally confused why not fall to the floor instead dizzy with laughter and heartily amused ! i sit in office and write, write, writely shirking my coded duties and attending to matters treading quicksand with mad hatters and insane chatters and muddy waters and phish and funny poetry and an idiots hand. here's to the growing group of giggling gurus !!

the installshield incident

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
flight bookings online are a pain in the hind .. especially if you realise five minutes after booking your ticket that you've booked it a day too late. The indian airlines helpdesk is extremely courteous .. until they realise you want your money back or a rescheduling. I was engaged in aerial combat and simultaneously reading about win32 createprocess flags, deciphering python code .. i dont know python .. .. and watching one of the other programmers working hard ... at her orkut window. The cube was silent. There's a bug in our code. Customer can't install our patch and uninstall ... more »

quite sick

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
ever had that itch when you don't know where it itches and you scratch vaguely trying to zero down upon it ? i had one of those so off i went to the docs. they are very kind. and expensive. Half the time they give me placebos. Knowing this, I go to the doctors once every two illnesses. Of course I hope I have the order right and I miss the placebos and get the real stuff. I wouldn't know, it rarely seems to work. Maybe I should've started going to the docs one illness earlier. Perhaps thats it.. I'm just one illness out of order. Medicine? placebo ? Maybe next time I'll go twice in... more »

letter to the queen:

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
dear madam, we have lost two of our bravest comrades who had come across a large chunk of sugar. Apparently they were hacked to death by a light broom.. aided by a stiff breeze in the opposite direction. We tried mounting an offensive but the second party is presumed missing.. We have had very little word ever since the signals and communications party all called in sick suffering from a headache. We have also had very little sugar. Sincerely, .

vicks vapor-rub is inflammable

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
vicks vapor-rub is inflammable. i took some and mixed it in a pot of boiling hot water. it voporised accordingly. fumes drifted upwards, i sniffed, then gulped huge chunks. the vicks that was stuck to the spoon i used to mix the water with, i rubbed off with my finger and mixed using the finger. i lost the finger.. a digit less. decimal system gone.. then i gulped in huge chunks of air mixed with melted vicks. its good for colds !!


nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
Investing in some recording equipment and getting started with Shamik. Starting with buckets of rain. Bachelor party plans being made for Aatish.. At work.. got some design to do .. middleware stuff.. Product Horizons website runs a certain marquee .. ! Tasted Thums Up after years! Swirled it around and tingled the palate.. moved furniture around and rearranged house. Repaired television and it promptly broke down again. Who cares, after the recent performance in SA .. Drank two bottles of red wine and posted crap on blog.. decided to keep it in there as an effective anti drinking a... more »

The single celled orgasm.. organism ! organism !

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
The cingle celled organism slowly applies its strictly primitive locomotive principles and proceeds to move slowly through the ooze of its universe. I know this because the single celled orgasm.. organism!! organism !! is visible right under this very microscope, at this very moment.. as I write, it i breathe, it breathhes.. as I type, it typhus.. The single celled organism is a beauty. I look at it and marvel at its cell walls and the other lesser-than-primitive building blocks that make up the single celled orgasm.. ORGANISM !! We have already established an ardor of ... more »

auto immune response

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
Over the last few months I've started to get an uncanny feeling. The funniest pieces are the ones that put me firmly in the shoes of a protagonist recounting his various embarassing situations. How we laugh at it ! How funny it all seems. Bastards !!! Write about your amorous adventures, it seems ! As if its funny. Ok so.. drooling over a receptionist who rejects you with the finesse of a bridge player *does *make for a pretty funny situation to an external observer.. external observer be damned! ..I tell you, you fail to understand the seriousness of the situation at the then momen... more »

On creaky eardrums. Creaky doors have their own p...

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
On creaky eardrums. Creaky doors have their own place in the overall scheme of things. Creaky bones are less often encountered, both in fiction and inside one's own self. Creaky eardrums are the rarest of rare phenomenons. Has to be heard to be believed. Its hard, hearing creaking eardrums, because, for one.. the same thing thats doing the creaking, is doing the hearing, so its difficult for it to do both at the same time. So I can never actually hear the present creak, perhaps it lags one creak behind, at best. Secondly, if it creaks it suggests malfunction, and so you might never... more »


Landlord called me on Sunday morning and said he w...

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
Landlord called me on Sunday morning and said he was coming over to collect some stuff. Now, here, as I found out, when you're looking for a house, the default thing to say is you're vegetarian. This is translated as you will not defile the house and abuse its sanctity by eating meat or partaking of any rituals involving the intake of things that once moved of their own free will. The broker has already done the necessary ice breaking. Assurances of your vegetarianism have been promised long before you even came onto the scene with the down payment and the advances. The broker expec... more »

fractally yours

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
one day i saw a made up made up of more made ups and for each made up one day i saw a made up made up of and for each's. and for each and for each i saw one day. each make up seemed to break up into more of its own until there were just ands and one and was enough though its tempting to go on and on glancing at each and.

Better bed than wed.

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
Pottery is for pots Lottery is for lots. Sartre is for people who cant spell or rather pronounce nounce nounce Health warnings are red Morisson is dead Heart attack they said and poem time ends its time for bed. if you read this poem i will be dead. ha ! ha !! though its 2.17 in the afternoon and technically sleep is better than oomph aah ! ooomph aah !! still sleep is a nocturation.. noculateral... nocturnal!!.. nocturnal !! activity. what a pity. lets picture me bursting into rhyme saying the above and bouncing spontaneously splitting infinitives pouting peeves combusting eventual... more »

how to write bad

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
i blog boredom, i crave inspiration. Kind gentle soul or harmony relocate me out of my livers block maybe with agony and irony words and birds shirts and headbands presented minus perspiration I trip I sighI float I buy Yesterday I even levitated I mean I even got down to ground level but felt elevated. Elated even. This seems to be-coming the story of the irrational particle I. I walk carefully. I open eye wide.

bum poem

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
I'd like to dress you up in me and pay you minimum wage for an incredible fee and drizzle and neigh and horse around sun you up and reign you down and tie you up in weather till you shoo me free and back yourself you tether. i'd love to spin your wheels, anonymous reels, bridge the gap with fortunate deals. i'd love to win 3 sevens and blackjacks true and then gamble away all my winnings playing dream with you. i'd like all this i'd like it served on this silver platter or a bum poem preferably the latter.

cricket boundary conditions hypothesis

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
In view of recent match fixing allegations, we will logically prove that the losing team are the only 11 people in the world who can "enjoy" a game of cricket. Assuming that the match is NOT fixed. That is, in the best case scenario, there are STILL just 11 people in the entire world who will enjoy the game of professional cricket. And they are the losers. Assumptions: 1) Suspecting that the match is fixed, will lead to a decrease in enjoyment. Obviously. 2) Matches can be fixed to be lost, never to be won. In other words, players can be "fixed" to play badly, never to play well, s... more »

writing exercises are fun only.

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
hmm . "aaarh.. ahem" (speaker. gazes out) looks to the crowd. room is hushed and silent. writing exercises are fun only sometimes. best to try writing as fun. best to try writing for fun. best to avoid grammar come undone. but best to try as phish thinks of singing as. and sometimes they turn out ok. somewhat like alice's mousy story tale turning around and around in tune counting itself round and round and round and round and round.

The legend

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
Although Cartman can at times be worldly, he is often wildly misinformed — once believing that dolphins lived in igloos. Cartman has also been known to formulate complex, yet inane, plans — some of which have succeeded. In "I'm a Little Bit Country", instead of studying, Cartman records various documentaries on the American Revolution from The History Channel on a TiVo and then electrocutes himself with it in a tub, which sends him on a flashback/time travel experience to 1776, and ultimately helps him stop the pro-war/anti-war fighting going on back in present-day South Park after ... more »

The Man Who Could Be Confident

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
The Man Who Could Be Confident - the bland version. To write in a manner of words written so which will keep you interested forever would require an infinity built in. The search for that infinity - the search for the perpetual motion machine? Doesnt seem like an analogy that appears right. While it is true sooner or later, the most interesting things begin to lose charm and spiral into a boredom that could never be imagined upon a time (lets not be naive and say once), there is something that is left; that tantalising feeling of rememberance; that knowledge that somewhere there w... more »

If you are a dog lover you can do this. You can st...

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
If you are a dog lover you can do this. You can stand outside my house in the late evening and listen to a symphony of yelps, barks and howls that emerge from the collected efforts of an inspired pack of street dogs that rule the roost once the sun sets. You will marvel at their creative influences and vocal abilities that penetrate the deepest slumber and crowd into the brain as a single epiphany of sound that one does not forget soon. You will discover hidden facets of doggie communication and your findings will spawn new branches of study. If you are a dog lover you can do this. ... more »

every evening is sunday evening

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
How I saved the economy and therefore the country from certain doom. On a lazy Sunday evening I found myself reasoning thus. If all that constitutes a normal sunday evening is distress at the thought of having to work the next day, an exponential increase in crowds everywhere and the sudden miraculous appearance of alcohol in my kitchen cabinet, every evening then, every evening then.. *is Sunday evening. * My brainwave did not fail to capture the imagination of the public, most of whom were quite similar in their habits and dispositions; and in their liking for a drink or two on Sun... more »

everythings a copy of a copy of a copy

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
Sleep and I had a fight one night And I slept later and later till one day, goodnight, was a full day later !!

The adventures of Old self. or, insanity-proof.. f...

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
The adventures of Old self. or, insanity-proof.. finally. Old self came over, creeps over whenever possible. He feeds on the past and Is alive, kicking and impossible. Old self likes me He wines me and dines me And when I grow dull He waxes and shines me ANd. when I sing happy He spots a meter and fines me. But what I really dont know is how old self finds me. --------------- The maid shows up anywhere between 9 am and 11 am and .. and she used to express surprise at how expertly I'd undo the result of her last visit, but now she resignedly starts armed with a broom (which I'd bou... more »

Glow worms show the path we have to tread Dreamers...

nikhil at in which i paybacktimethingyhappens - 5 years ago
Glow worms show the path we have to tread Dreamers, we should be asleep in bed Moving slowly through the springtime air Holding moments in the depth of care Holding moments in the depth of care Whisper fairy stories till they're real Wonder how the night can make us feel Loving living more with love to stay Long past sadness that was in our way Long past sadness that was in our way Dawntime mist begins reflecting light Waking sun will soon forget our night Love me through the day and I'll with you go Into summer and the next year's snow Into summer and the next year's snow -Vashti Bunyan